

In the course of your tour in Kyrgyzstan, you are going to have extreme alpinism entertainments in the mountains. Guests are always informed about the necessity to rent a car, and in the winter prices are usually lower. Before you travel in Kyrgyzstan, you will be told that, travellers were restricted for mountains climbing in Soviet time. Over the time, the system changed and travellers were available to enter the attraction, but still border control was on. If you travel in Kyrgyzstan and take cars for rent, you have to be ready for weather changes, because heavy snow and avalanches can long up to weeks. Thus, we recommend you to be fully prepared for your tours in Kyrgyzstan. Just accept the offers of the car rent company and the tour will be gripping.

During your tour in Kyrgyzstan, our guides will inform you that, climbers who wanted achieve an award of Snow Leopard in Soviet period, needed to reach all five peaks that over 7000 m in Kyrgyzstan. You will find 2 peaks in Tajikistan, 2 in Kyrgyzstan and 1 (Peak Lenin) between them. The Snow Leopard award has achieved by over 600 climbers. Our company definitely will offer you mountain tours in Kyrgyzstan!

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Capital of Kyrgyzstan
Kyrgyz Language
Political situation in Kyrgyzstan
Horse games and other games
Kyrgyz Eagle hunting