As for general information about Kyrgyzstan and car rent we suggest, we would like to inform you first about territory. It is well-known that Kyrgyzstan is located in the very heart of mountains and it is the second smallest country of the whole Central Asia. Kyrgyzstan is estimated to be 198,500 km2. You can travel in Kyrgyzstan in any region as the country is 900 km from east to west and 410 from north to south. The first smallest country of the Central Asia before travelling in Kyrgyzstan is Tajikistan.
You have opportunities to make tours in Kyrgyzstan and going out of countries territory. Though there is a territorial limit and you will have to pay additional insurance. We advise to travel in Kyrgyzstan is a country of many neighbors – in the east and southeast with China, in the north with Kazakhstan, in the west with Uzbekistan and in the south with Tajikistan.
And of course we should take into account that there are 7 regions where you can renr a car and travel in Kyrgyzstan. It is possible to visit all these regions in the course of a tour in Kyrgyzstan as everywhere there are places of historical meaning.
Regions of Kyrgyzstan are as follows: